Initiative to address vaping concerns

September 10, 2024 BY

The project aims to increase awareness around the harms of vaping among young people and help increase their capacity to say no to vaping.

A VICHEALTH vaping prevention grant is providing Federation University researchers with the opportunity to investigate ways to stop young people vaping.

Public health discipline lead at FedUni’s Institute of Health and Wellbeing, Professor Dr Muhammad Aziz Rahman, and PhD student Dr Naima Nimmi, are working on the Central Highlands Vaping Prevention Project with lead project partner the City of Ballarat and other organisations.

The project aims to increase awareness around the harms of vaping among young people and help increase their capacity to say no to vaping.

“Every health professional plays an influential role in helping young people to quit vaping,” said Professor Rahman.

Increasing awareness: Public health discipline lead at Federation’s institute of health and wellbeing, Professor Dr Muhammad Aziz Rahman, is part of an initiative to prevent young people from vaping. Photo: SUPPLIED


“This project will give our local health practitioners evidence-based resources so they can address vaping concerns with this vulnerable cohort.

“Each anti-vaping initiative is critical in the current vaping pandemic, both for the health of our young people and so that the success of tobacco control in Australia is not undermined.”

Professor Rahman and Dr Nimmi will map smoking and vaping cessation support services and promote the resources of local practitioners.

Healthcare workers will also be upskilled to better discuss vaping concerns with young patients.