Input on aged care sought

December 7, 2021 BY

Support: Changes to the Federal Government aged and disability system have prompted a review into services the Shire provides for seniors and those with a disability. Photo: FILE

A REVIEW of the Golden Plains Shire’s aged and disability services is underway.

Known as a ‘best value review’, the move came after a behind closed doors hearing at the end of last week’s regular council meeting.

In a statement released afterward, the Shire said a review is needed to decide the best delivery of aged services, after the Australian Government announced a new national system, which takes effect in July 2023.

“Prompted by this system overhaul, Golden Plains Shire council joins municipalities across Victoria and Australia in considering their future management of services in this sector,” the statement said.

“Noting that the provision of aged care and disability services to support people to live independently in their homes is a commitment of the Australian Government and that there are quality service providers dedicated to the sector, the best value review will provide council with the information to make a decision on council’s future management of these services.

“Council is committed to conducting the best value review in an open and transparent way and all service clients, council staff, and the Australian and Victorian Governments have been notified of the review.”

The Federal Government’s reform to in-home care will see the establishment of a Support at Home program, which will replace the Commonwealth Home Support, Home Care Packages, Short-Term Restorative Care, and residential respite programs.

Consultations are underway with senior citizens and people who receive disability support services, their carers, home care providers and leading organisations.

To inform the Shire’s review, submissions are open for home clients and their families on the needs of aged and disability services and the challenges of ageing in the municipality.

To make a submission, post a paper form to the municipal customer service centre at 2 Pope Street, Bannockburn or The Well, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale.

You can also complete an online form at or email [email protected].

A similar best value review conducted two years ago and looking at the provision of childcare services by the municipality resulted in the divestment of the Bannockburn long day care centre by the Shire.