Input wanted on shortfall report

July 9, 2021 BY

Call out: have your say on a draft report to guide future City planning. Photo: FILE

THE City of Ballarat is calling for community input on its Draft Community Infrastructure Needs and Gap Analysis Report.

The report collates research on the city’s public facilities and population forecasts, identifying particular areas where more infrastructure is needed in future planning.

Members of the public are invited to come forward to inform the municipality on what this community infrastructure needs.

This infrastructure includes community centres, public halls, sports pavilions, aquatic facilities, libraries, early years facilities, senior citizens centres and sports facilities.

Residents can have their say online or in-person over the next week.

An online survey can be accessed until 14 July via

Two in-person information sessions will also be held, the first of which on 8 July from 6pm to 8pm at the Sebastopol Library, 181 Albert Street.

The second session is scheduled for 14 July from 2pm to 4pm at the Phoenix Building, Foyer 25, 25 Armstrong Street South.

Following community input, the draft report will be finalised and used to inform the Draft Community Infrastructure Plan.

The draft 10-year plan will then be available for community feedback in October.