Keeping warm within the region

Preparing for winter: Grampians residents will no longer be able to collect firewood in central Victoria following a recent decision by Forest Fire Management Victoria. Photo: FILE
FIREWOOD collection will now be kept local in some areas of Victoria with inter-regional pickups now being restricted within certain areas of the state.
In an effort to preserve firewood resources, residents of various municipalities, including the City of Ballarat and Golden Plains Shire, will no longer be allowed access to firewood in Central Victoria.
That means collecting firewood in parts of northern Hepburn and Pyrenees shires is off limits to Ballarat and Golden Plains residents, who are also excluded from the City of Grater Bendigo, as well as part or all of Northern Grampians, Central Goldfields, Mount Alexander, Mitchell, Strathbogie, Campaspe and Loddon shires.
Amy Groch, forest planning team leader of Forest Fire Management Victoria, said the new rule will safeguard available resources.
“These changes aim to ensure that local communities gain greater access to the available firewood this autumn in preparation for winter,” she said,
“Designated collection areas are selected for a range of reasons including the availability of firewood, community safety, and to protect sites of cultural and environmental significance.
“While firewood is free to collect, supply is not unlimited. This means firewood needs to be managed responsibly to ensure environmental sustainability.
A series of resources will be available at, including a list of the restricted regions.
The autumn firewood collection season starts on 1 March.