Leading orgs to lobby for key funding

January 31, 2025 BY

Into the future: The partnership and campaign were announced last week at the Ballarat West Growth Area. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS

AHEAD of the next Federal and State elections, nine of Ballarat’s leading organisations are partnering to lobby for funding support for key local projects.

Australian Catholic University Ballarat, Central Highlands Water, City of Ballarat, Commerce Ballarat, Committee for Ballarat, Federation University, Grampians Health, Sovereign Hill, and Tourism Midwest Victoria staff are calling for infrastructure backing as part of the Ballarat Now and Into the Future – Enabling Growth advocacy campaign.

The move was announced last week at Lucas where the city’s western growth corridor is booming.

The group is calling for funding commitments for the $23 million Wendouree Library and Learning Centre, the $13.27 million Ballarat West Growth Area housing and growth-enabling infrastructure, the $88.3 million duplication of Dyson Drive, the $37.1 million Circular Economy Precinct, the $15 million Western Victoria Aviation Precinct Ballarat, the $48 million Ballarat Co-Operative Education and Skills City Centre at Camp Street, and the $17.9 million Sovereign Hill Master Plan’s Gold Vault project.

CHW managing director Jeff Haydon spoke about the Ballarat West Growth Area.

“We’ve put together a package of priority projects and works that will enable up to 8800 new homes to be unlocked,” he said.

“Infrastructure investment in water, sewerage and drainage is needed.

“We’re working closely with the City of Ballarat… and our land development industry around the challenges and where we need the investment going to unlock and accelerate that supply of housing.

“For example, in the Bonshaw catchment, we’ve got a complex area to develop with a number of different landholders, but this infrastructure investment and projects will enable collaboration with all the developers and all the servicing authorities to keep housing supply moving forward.”

City of Ballarat mayor, Cr Tracey Hargreaves said Federal backing of the campaign projects will help the city and its economy grow.

“We need significant investment to build on our established strengths in tourism and higher education, to deliver essential community facilities for existing and future residents, enhance aeromedical services and commercial aviation and build the circular economy,” she said.

“We also need the roads, pipes and pumps that will fast track new housing needed to support growth.

“With support for these key projects, Ballarat is well placed to do more of the heavy lifting when it comes to population growth, easing pressure on metropolitan growth areas and generating economic growth and new opportunities for business in our city and western Victoria.

“As a collective, we speak on behalf of thousands of employees, businesses and most importantly, the residents of Ballarat and the region.

“Our united voice means our representatives and candidates can be in no doubt about Ballarat’s priorities and the projects that will enable growth and deliver the greatest benefit to our community.”

The next Federal election is expected in the first half of this year.