Learn to row, stroke-by-stroke

November 18, 2022 BY

Unsinkable: New single scullers can try rowing solo in a Wave Cutter boat. Photo: SUPPLIED

INTERESTED to see what Ballarat looks like from the middle of Lake Wendouree?

Ballarat City Rowing Club’s adult learn-to-row program is now on, offering the opportunity for locals and those from surrounding areas to try the sport for the first time.

BCRC president Sharon Waters said the sessions are usually held on Tuesday evenings, and the club provides an informal, fun, social, and safe space to learn.

“We welcome any novices, many of which may never have even stepped into a boatshed before,” she said.

“They learn boat handling, rowing terminology, safety positions, how to handle the equipment, getting in and out of the boat, and how to do a basic rowing stroke. We also practice on the landing, and on the rowing machines.

“It’s a perfect opportunity, particularly for those who have a son or daughter who row, to try it for themselves, and get into a crew boat, or single scull.

“We have Wave Cutter boats for those keen to try sculling, and they’re unsinkable. They can take on water, but it flushes away. It’s a great way to gain confidence while you learn the skills.”

Ms Waters said there is a magic to being out on the water that you need to experience to understand.

“Nothing beats being out on the lake in beautiful conditions. It’s the best spot to be in Ballarat.

“Typically those that have a go at rowing get the bug, and want to keep moving with it. It’s a great way to meet other likeminded people, socialise, and challenge yourself,” she said.

Any former rowers interested to come back to the sport can take advantage of 9am Saturday return-to-row sessions. If you’re interested to join either program, email [email protected].