Library marks two years on the tools

February 17, 2023 BY

Hard at work: Tool Library volunteers Angela Molloy and Greg Jakob help share often expensive equipment that’s not needed by group members. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN

COMMUNITY-based Ballarat Tool Library celebrated its second birthday last weekend.

The volunteer led initiative formed during the COVID-19 pandemic allows members to share and borrow tools and equipment that would cost thousands of dollars to buy.

Founding member Angela Molloy has seen the Tool Library’s growth first hand.

“Since its beginning, we were investigating whether there was even a need for a tool library in Ballarat,” she said.

“It’s turned out to be a really valuable resource for the community. People may not be able to afford the cost of tools or renters may need a tool for a short time.

“We’ve found that there is a huge need for it in Ballarat and it’s becoming a staple.”

Ms Molloy said there has been significant membership growth over the last two years.

“Now we’re expending our tool base and with that our members are growing as well,” she said.

“There’s more knowledge of what our service actually is, and we have more obscure tools people can borrow.”

Recently the Tool Library moved into a new and bigger space at Barky Square in Ballarat East.

Initially volunteering for a student placement Brianna Storey-Smith she continued working at the organisation because of the community environment.

She said the relocation was a huge achievement for the Tool Library, as the group now has its own space and now the organisation can keep expanding in the future.

“The customers are just so lovely and everyone is so warm,” she said.

“A bigger space would be lovely, a warehouse just full of all tools you could borrow would be impressive.”

Ms Molloy said she would like to create a dedicated learning space and work on projects like building playgrounds.

“For me it would be about building our community up and providing them the tools to be able to do that,” she said.