Libs could fund cultural centre

November 11, 2022 BY

Festival of light: The Liberal Party’s State election commitment to help fund a centre for Ballarat’s Indian community was made during Diwali celebrations over the weekend. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE Liberal Party has promised Ballarat’s Indian community funds to develop a cultural centre, should they form State government.

Member for Ripon Louise Staley met with members of the Ballarat Indian Association and the Ballarat Hindu Temple and Cultural Centre Committee during Diwali celebrations to pledge $875,000.

Ms Staley said the city’s growing Indian community needs to be locally accommodated.

“Until now, many Ballarat and Grampians region Indians have had to travel over 100 kilometres, often by public transport, to partake in Indian cultural practices and traditions,” she said.

“The new Indian Cultural Centre will be a fantastic centre for the Ballarat Indian community and those across the Grampians region to come together to meet and celebrate.

“I congratulate the Ballarat Indian community for all its work on this project over the past six years. Your current facilities are not big enough, and our commitment will deliver the centre that your community needs for years to come.”

Development of the cultural space would involve transforming the BHTCCC community’s Ross Creek base into a prayer centre with a new kitchen and dining rooms, a community garden and children’s playground.

BHTCCC president Harisankar Parippaayillam said the group welcomed the announcement.

“[We appreciate] the funding commitment from Louise Staley and the Liberal Party towards our Indian Cultural Centre dream,” he said.

“Ms Staley has met with us several times and visited the site. She also attended the recent Ganesha Chaturthi festival and is with us again to celebrate Diwali, and we appreciate her deep commitment to delivering for the Ballarat Indian community.”

The City of Ballarat has an estimated 6000 Indian residents and the recent Ganeshi Charturthi festival brought in more than 7000 attendees.