Mount Helen kinder to go bush

The great outdoors: Member for Eureka, Michaela Settle, was at Goodstart Early Learning Mount Helen to celebrate a $6000 grant which will allow the organisation to offer a bush kinder program. Photo: SUPPLIED
GOODSTART Early Learning in Mount Helen is set to receive a one-off grant from the State Government, aimed at allowing the organisation to run a bush kinder program this year.
The effort sees children learn through play in the outdoors with natural materials.
Activities include watching wildlife and climbing trees.
The program aims to have a positive impact on children’s development as well as physical and mental health.
The $6000 grant will help the kindergarten buy the equipment needed for the program.
Member for Eureka, Michaela Settle, said it’s important for children to have opportunities to be immersed in nature.
“The bush kinder program gets kids out into the great outdoors, and it’s fantastic that Mount Helen kids are getting the chance to learn through nature,” she said.
In 2024, bush kinder programs will be created in 52 local government areas and 25 of these will be in regional Victoria.
150 kindergartens will receive a one-off grant.
Applications for next years round of grants will open mid-2024.
More information about the grants can be found at