
Musical trio to make return

October 1, 2023 BY

In harmony: Helen Ayres, Tim Nankervis and Anna Goldsworthy are The Seraphim Trio and will be playing at Anglican Cathedral’s Synod Hall next month. Photo: FILE

THE Seraphim Trio will be back in Ballarat next month playing in the Anglican Cathedral’s Synod Hall.

The group, made up of Helen Ayres, Tim Nankervis and Anna Goldsworthy, is known for their performances of complete Beethoven trios, and collaborations with artists like Peter Drew.

“We started in 1998 when we were all studying and we were invited to go down to Melbourne to do masterclasses,” said Nankervis.

“One of the biggest challenges with any chamber ensemble is having personalities that work well together and it’s why we’ve managed to stay together for 25 years.

“Since them we’ve performed our own series of concerts in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Ballarat.”

The Seraphim Trio have a long history of performing in Ballarat with strong community support.

“We’ve performed in Ballarat for many, many years are we’ve performed at the Art Gallery for at least 10 years,” said Nankervis.

“During that time, we built up a really fabulous, generous and loyal group of audience members including Bron Sozanski who wanted us coming back again so he’s helped us put on these concerts.”

Nankervis said the concert will have something for everyone.

“Live music is so, so important for the soul and to be taken somewhere that doesn’t require devices or eyes, just ears,” he said.

“A concert experience will be different for everyone and some people listen to it in a detailed way and some people just let the music wash over them.

“Everyone gets something out of it.”

The Seraphim Trio will play the Anglican Cathedral Synod Hall Saturday, 7 October at 2pm and for tickets visit seraphimtrio.com.