New school year, same road rules

January 27, 2021 BY

Safety precaution: Reduced speed limits around school zones start up again tomorrow as school returns. Photo: FILE

ROAD users all around the region are being encouraged to put community safety first as students, parents and school groups find their way to their term one classes.

Tomorrow will see an increase in road, foot and bicycle traffic as well as public transport use and commuters can expect extra precautions and signage on the roads, especially in high-risk school zones.

Minister for Public Transport, Roads and Road Safety Ben Carroll said the State Government is aiming to do its part in keeping school communities safe.

“School-aged children are some of our most vulnerable road users,” he said.

“We all have a responsibility to keep them safe when they’re travelling to and from school, that means everyone slowing down and paying attention around school zones.

As the new school year officially begins, reduced speed zones within school areas will be switched on around the state, some permanently and others only on weekdays 8am to 9.30am and from 2.30pm to 4pm.

In addition, as part of the Victorian and Australian Governments’ $19.5 million Pedestrian and Safer Schools Program 55 schools will be receiving new electronic speed limit signs and pedestrian upgrades to up their safety.

“[We’re] delivering new electronic speed signs and safety upgrades in school zones while Metro Trains delivers its school safety awareness program to even more Victorian students,” Mr Carroll said.

In the continued effort to combat the spread of COVID-19 and keep school communities safe from transmission, bus and trains are to be being cleaned regularly and deep cleaned at night.