New social group for growing suburbs

April 4, 2023 BY

Early members: The launch of the Alfredton Lucas Probus Club took place on Friday, 3 March at the Alfredton Sports and Community Club. Photo: SUPPLIED

A NEW probus club in Ballarat’s north-west region has been added to the city’s eighteen groups following a launch earlier this month.

Called the Alfredton Lucas Probus Club, the event took place at the Alfredton Sports and Community Club sponsored by the suburb’s Rotary.

The launch included a presentation from chair of Rotary District 9780’s Margaret Robinson, who said interest behind the new group is a sign of resurgence for the region.

“We had a very good rollup of between 50 and 60 people,” she said.

“I think now after COVID people have been really looking for something to be a part of so we’re excited for what the new club will add.

“This had been a long time coming. We had to wait during the lockdowns to make sure our previously-established branches were still running smoothly before launching another one.”

The new Probus group’s establishment had been in the works since before COVID, and more than 30 people have applied for membership following the launch.

After a pre-Easter get together, the club’s foundational meeting is set to take place on Friday, 5 May and after that meetups will be scheduled for the first Friday of every month.

Ms Robinson said the group’s activities will be driven by its members.

“I showed them some ideas about what other probus clubs normally do,” she said. “Generally, there’ll be members starting groups for things like coffee, walking or gardening.”

To register for the next meeting, contact Ms Robinson on 0417 541 775.