One man, 600 donations, thousands of lives touched

January 24, 2025 BY

Milestone: Robert Oliver at the Lifeblood Ballarat donor centre. Photo: SUPPLIED

EVERY day, people need donated blood and plasma to survive, whether they’re experiencing emergency surgery, are a victim of road trauma, are undergoing cancer treatment, or recovering from childbirth.

One Ballarat donor has been doing his bit to ensure there’s as much blood and plasma stock for these patients as possible.

Earlier this month, Robert Oliver made his 600th donation at Ballarat’s Red Cross Lifeblood centre, with his wife Althea in attendance.

In 1971, aged 18, he made his first blood donation. While his mum had a three-month stay in hospital, Mr Oliver had made a pledge to make 100 blood donations if she made it home.

Milestone: Robert Oliver at the Lifeblood Ballarat donor centre. Photo: SUPPLIED


“I made it to 100 donations as I’d promised, and by that stage I was in a routine and continued donating,” he said

“Donating makes me feel fantastic. You never know who you may be helping.”

Individual donations can save up to three lives and Lifeblood spokesperson Emily Granland encouraged people across the community to follow Mr Oliver’s lead.

His 600 donations could have saved as many as 1800 lives.

“Plasma is a powerful part of blood that can be used in 18 different life-giving ways including creating medicines and in treatments for medical conditions including cancer, liver disease and immune deficiencies,” she said. “Robert is a superhero.

“While 600 donations are not possible for everyone, the good news is every single donation counts. We are so grateful for every donor.”

Blood and plasma donations are urgently needed. Book by calling 13 14 95, visiting or the DonateBlood app.