Online advisory service is on its way

March 27, 2019 BY

A NEW online advisory service that connects small regional businesses with digital experts was launched recently.

The Australian Small Business Advisory Services Digital Solutions program for regional Victoria is a lowcost, high-quality service delivering group workshops, one-on-one mentoring, online learning and webinars.

Melbourne Innovation Centre developed the program especially for businesses, with an ABN and employing less than 20 staff.

The program is for small businesses who need help in the online marketplace.

It will assist with getting new customers, developing a website, create online retailing, increasing followers on social media and increasing online security Vivian Vo, Melbourne Innovation Centre’s program manager said there will incredible opportunities to support small businesses, with 500 group workshops and 4000 individual mentoring appointments planned for delivery across the state.

“We encounter many businesses who are struggling to utilise new technology,” said Ms Vo.

“ASBAS Digital Solutions assists small businesses to develop and implement new digital strategies to access new markets.”

Local regional presenters and mentors will assist small business participants with an assessment of their needs, tailor digital engagement plans and offer advisory support.

The program is due to be rolled out in Ballarat within the next two to three months.

To be included on a contact list which will receive information once the program is live in Ballarat email Sara Whitten on [email protected].