Orange Door opens to support

October 15, 2020 BY

Helping hand: Member for Wendouree Juliana Addison, CEO of Cafs Wendy Sturgess and Hub manager Family Violence Victoria Angie Wickham and Member for Buninyong Michaela Settle at Ballarat’s Orange Door facility. Photo: RUBY STALEY

THOSE impacted by family violence will now find it easier to access the support they need with the recent opening of the Victorian Government’s newest Orange Door in Ballarat.

Representatives from partner organisations were joined by Member for Wendouree Juliana Addison and Member for Buninyong Michaela Settle at the site to announce its official opening.

“This is about providing specialised support with a local point of access,” Ms Addison said. “Our message to the Ballarat community is that there is help out three if you need it.”

Ms Settle added, “I want to thank Child and Family Services Ballarat, Berry St and the Ballarat and District Aboriginal Cooperative for partnering with us on The Orange Door Network.”

The Orange Door Network is a project of the Victorian Government’s Royal Commission into Family Violence as a way of forging a safe path forward, free of family violence.

CEO of Cafs Wendy Sturgess said it’s great that we have these welcoming and safe facilities.

“Working with people, women, children and men … this is a game changer and something unique,” she said.

“The centralised service model is absolutely critical … this is a point where local specialists can do risk assessments, planning and connect to services.

“Society is standing up and saying, no, we’re not going to put up with this anymore.”

The $6.1 million project includes a primary site in Ballarat, with an access point planned for Moorabool Shire and services in Ararat and Hepburn for those seeking face-to-face support.

The Orange Door in Ballarat is open Monday to Friday or can be contacted at 1800 219 819 or [email protected].
