
Paternal program set to grow

June 17, 2024 BY

Advice for fathers: Cafs’ team leader for the Dad’s Took Kit program Fiona Weissenfeld said the initiative is about helping dads build stronger connections with their loved ones. Photo: SUPPLIED

REFERRALS are now open for a free group parenting program aimed at strengthening relationships between fathers and their children.

Delivered by Child and Family Services Ballarat, or Cafs, the Dad’s Tool Kit initiative is set to return during term three for nine weeks.

Cafs team leader for the program Fiona Weissenfeld said it’s about breaking down emotional and mental barriers for paternal carers.

“What we’ve noticed is there’s not a lot out there for dads to help build on their parenting skills or to understand what they bring to parenting,” she said.

“We’re hoping it fills a gap for dads to build on their skills of connecting with their kids and their partners, or ex-partners as well, in the benefit of their children.

“We really foster that conversational style in getting dads to talk about their experiences and their challenges.”

Taking place every Wednesday from 10am to about 12pm from 17 July, each session will focus on topics such as emotional control, equality in the home, the influence of conflict on children, and the importance of respectful communication.

Ms Weissenfeld said the program has been well-utilised since its adoption in 2017.

“We’ve had really positive feedback over the years,” she said.

“A lot of it is around helping dads understand different emotional regulation strategies and techniques which then leads to better decision making and how they respond in a moment.

“This has been running as a rolling group since 2017 but we’re changing that format to have it running each term following this one for that consistency and to have participants build their relationships together.”

Group sizes can range from half-a-dozen to 10 dads per session.

Enrolments for next term’s Dad’s Tool Kit can be made by contacting Cafs on 1800 692 237.