Pearls on for Probus birthday

May 12, 2023 BY

30 years: Golden City Probus Club foundation member Judy Alexander and president Len Emonson marked the occasion. Photos: EDWINA WILLIAMS

THE city’s first mixed Probus group has marked its pearl anniversary.

Golden City Probus Club members and friends celebrated their collective 30th birthday at the Ballarat Golf Club last week.

Second-term president Len Emonson joined the club eight years ago and is the 23rd person to be in the role.

“We still have 12 foundation members of the original 93,” he said. “We’ve got about 10 past presidents with us today to celebrate as well.

“Being the first Probus club in Ballarat to have both male and female members, we were ground breakers in that area.

“We’ve got a good bunch of about 60 people, they’re all friendly, and all look out for each other. If someone’s down, they’ll make contact. They make it easy to come along.”

The club’s remaining 12 foundation members were honoured for their long-time involvement, before receiving a commemorative scroll.

All women wore their pearls at the celebration, and the men were given a small buttonhole pearl decoration for their lapel.

“The presentation of an honorary scroll to the remaining 12 foundation members was a highlight,” said foundation member Heather Christie.

A 30th birthday cake was cut, baked by member Joyce Daffey, and decorated by foundation member Jenny Catford, who was also the decorator of the club’s first, 10th and 20th anniversary cakes.

Photos and memorabilia were displayed, and members and friends were entertained by live music.

Guest speakers included Rotary Club of Ballarat South president Anne Appledone, and Rotary District 9780 Probus chair Margaret Robinson.