Pet plan in place

Night moves: A cat curfew is being considered in Golden Plains following the approval of the Shire’s domestic animal management plan. Photo: FILE
THE Golden Plains Shire’s domestic animal management plan for 2022 to 2025 is now in action, outlining the municipality’s responsibilities to promote responsible pet ownership and protect the community from nuisances.
The plan was developed following a survey which 327 residents participated in between August and September last year.
Four written submissions were received during the draft plan’s public exhibition period between October and November.
Mayor Cr Gavin Gamble said the plan sets out 21 new actions for the municipality which will be in place for the next four years.
“Golden Plains Shire is home to 5917 dogs and 1336 cats that have been registered by their owners, and council’s updated domestic animal management plan sets out our priorities and planned actions in providing animal management services over the next four years,” he said.
“The community played a key role in the development of the domestic animal management plan, with many of the 21 new actions responding to feedback we received from the 327 residents who completed the community survey.
“With the new plan now in place, council is committed to working with the community to implement its actions, and address the issues identified during the consultation process.”
One of the new actions outlined in the plan includes investigating the benefits of a cat curfew between dusk and dawn.
Fifty-six per cent of survey respondents said they would like to see a cat curfew introduced to stop cats wandering around streets at night.
The Shire will also investigate the cost and location of a fenced dog park in the municipality, after 61 per cent of survey participants said they would use one, 40.5 per cent of whom said they would be happy to travel up to 10 kilometres for it.
Patrols of walking paths are also being considered.
The plan also outlines a possible responsible pet ownership education program for schools and kindergartens, if resources permit.
A domestic animal management plan must be prepared by municipalities every four years under the State Government’s Domestic Animals Act 1994. To view the adopted plan, head to