Pet stores’ funds will raise a guide dog

July 3, 2020 BY

Puppy love: Charlie Letchford and Deni at the Delacombe PETstock store. Photo: CHIPPY RIVERA

GUIDE Dogs Australia will breed, raise and train a young assistance animal with the support of PETstock.

Last month, all PETstock stores across the country, including the three local shopfronts, participated in the Raise A Guide Dog, Change A Life campaign with a goal of raising $50,000.

Dion Collard, the pet brand’s head of marketing and communications said the company’s charity, PETstock Assist, has been a partner of Guide Dogs Australia for six years.

“This year’s campaign is really important, and we’ve had the help of pet parents in Ballarat, our dedicated team who love this cause and generous suppliers,” he said.

“Through our Ballarat stores we’d raised over $500 between them by last week, and in the last two days of the campaign on the weekend, PETstock Assist matched any donations that were made.

“With $50,000, one guide dog can be bred, raised, trained and matched to a suitable person with blindness or low vision, so we’ve been really committed to hitting that mark and encourage all the pet parents in Ballarat to continue supporting the cause.”

Mr Collard suggests pet owners purchase especially marked Guide Dogs Australia products, which they can also round up online or in store.

Visit to show further financial support to PETstock Assist’s ongoing initiatives.