
Plan to enhance visitor experience

July 2, 2024 BY

Future thinking: Tourism Midwest Victoria chair, John Pandazopoulos, said the plan will guide ongoi

THE Tourism Midwest Victoria board has endorsed a nine-year plan for the region to become a sustainable, world-class destination.

The 2024-2033 Sustainable Destination Management Plan was one of the first jobs of the newly formed Visitor Economy Partnership and will guide action to enhance visitor experience and change how the region is perceived.

The plan aims to be a decision-making tool for product development, investment prioritisation, and marketing.

It outlines a combination of long and short-term actions.

“Shaped by those who live and breathe our region, the 2024-2033 Sustainable Destination Management Plan has been developed to guide the ongoing growth of the visitor economy and build a collaborative legacy for Midwest Victoria,” said Tourism Midwest Victoria chair, John Pandazopoulos.

“Over the next nine years, the document will chart the course towards a destination that inspires visitors to stay longer, spend more and love this region as much as we do.”

Central to the plan will be five pillars which are first peoples, people and place, creative energy, nature at your fingertips and signature experiences.

Over the last nine months, consultation has occurred with more than 200 people and organisations.

“This plan sets a direction that everyone operating in the tourism industry can adopt, and outlines what we need to do to stand apart and carve out our position as a compelling destination,” said Mr Pandazopoulos.

“I am both proud and inspired by this region, and look forward

to enacting this plan to create a truly unexpected experience for visitors and our community to enjoy together long into the future.”

The plan will be supported by five LGA-specific Local Area Action Plans, which are now in the final stages of approval.

Once this occurs, the plan will be officially unveiled.