
Post Malone headlines sell out festival

December 8, 2023 BY

Headline act: Attendees travelled from around the state to see American rapper Post Malone at Spilt Milk music festival. Photos: STEVE WOMERSLEY

THOUSANDS of attendees from Ballarat and around the state were at Victoria Park last weekend to see sold out music festival Spilt Milk.

American rapper Post Malone was the biggest drawcard for many who travelled specifically to see his performance.

“The lineup made us want to come and I’m most excited to see Post Malone,” said Bianca Hazeldene, who travelled to the event from Melbourne.

“The highlight of the day is definitely the music.

“With a line up like these we would absolutely come back in future years.”

Ms Hazeldene and her friends said they were impressed with how smoothly the event ran, being easily able to find a car park and waiting in a short line to enter the festival.

Nellie Ferguson, Rhianna Flenley, Miranda Brown, Guinny Nunes (front), Johnny Lawler, Deegan Willingham, Owen Walsh and Max Squire.

Natalie Middleton and four of her friends travelled to the festival from Benalla and were most looking forward to seeing Post Malone.

“We travelled all the way because of the vibes, the music and Post Malone,” she said. “This is our first time and the line up made us want to come.”

The group had never been to Ballarat before and said they found the city a beautiful place to visit.

Local resident Sean Willes said it was great to have a large event drawing crowds to town.

“It’s about supporting local businesses and seeing Post Malone,” he said. “It’s great seeing everyone in Ballarat come together and love it.

“It brings a lot of revenue, makes the traffic a bit hard, but its great seeing local businesses getting that support.”