Premier makes visit to Mount Clear

May 16, 2024 BY

Tour: Premier Jacinta Allan (left, standing) and Member for Eureka, Michaela Settle (right) visited Mount Clear College last week and met students and staff in The Daily Grind cafe classroom. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS

PREMIER Jacinta Allan was in Ballarat’s Mount Clear last week to promote the State Government’s funding allocation to the Get Active Kids Voucher Program in the Victorian Budget 2024/25.

In the Mount Clear College gymnasium, Ms Allan said that an extra $6 million is going to the voucher initiative which aims to support young people and their families across the state to cover the costs of taking part in community sport and recreation.

Up to $200 per child under 18 will be provided to those eligible, to support them with paying for memberships, registrations, uniforms and equipment up front, whether they’re taking part in footy or dance classes.

“We’re helping families by giving every child in Victoria the chance to embrace the joy of sport… making it easier for families to participate in sport, building healthier and happier communities across the state,” Ms Allan said.

The Premier was joined by the Member for Eureka, Michaela Settle at Mount Clear College for the voucher announcement.

They met new principal Jenny Bromley and toured the school, chatting to students and staff in the cafe and kitchen classrooms.

“We understand that families are facing challenges with the cost of living,” Ms Settle said.

“These vouchers, providing up to $200 to families, will help ease the burden on families and encourage more children to participate in local sports.”

Those with Commonwealth Health Care or Pensioner Concession cards or who are named on a valid Medicare Card are eligible to apply for the vouchers before redeeming them at a Get Active Kids Voucher Registered Activity Provider.

“This program… will make a huge difference to our club,” said Mount Clear Junior Football Club’s Mick Ryan.

“As a Get Active Kids Voucher registered provider, this program will let even more young people come and get involved in our club.”

Another round of applications will be accepted ahead of summer. Visit for more information.