Project to help get glow on

July 29, 2023 BY

New friends: The Glow Project is helping provide young women with disabilities accesses to fun and friendship. Photo: SUPPLIED

TWO friends who were determined to provide fun and friendship to young women with disabilities have brought their dream to life with The Glow Project.

The organisation, created by Meg Taylor and Molly McLachlan, seeks to provide tailored activities and events that allow socialising, teamwork, fun, and creativity.

“We were highly motivated by the success of Project Growth which is the male version of our program,” said Ms Taylor.

“We were very inspired by the way they were able to provide a sense of belonging and purpose for young males.”

They decided to learn from Project Growth and start something similar for females.

“As young females ourselves, we know how vital it is to make meaningful friendships and a sense of belonging,” said Ms Taylor.

Participants meet each morning at a base in Nerrina where they have access to games, puzzles, books, and electronics.

“We begin each morning by picking up our participants in our minibus and each day we encourage them to socialise and interact with each other,” said Ms Taylor.

They also take part in one planned activity a day such as baking, socialising, and contributing to ongoing projects.

“This includes things like planting, growing and caring for their own plant and creating their own recipe book,” said Ms Taylor.

“We include regular access to the community within Ballarat and trips to Melbourne, Geelong and other cities to places like Science Works.”

So far the response has been positive, and there have been chances in participant’s lives.

“Feedback has been amazing and really quite inspiring,” said Ms Taylor.

“We’ve seen some amazing friendships form. The girls are hanging out with each other outside the program and are coming out of their shells.

“Participants have begun to make positive changes in their personal lives like a healthy lunch or physical activities and their setting routines and getting enough sleep.”

To find out more about The Glow Project visit