Raising funds for Tool Library’s accessibility

December 26, 2021 BY

Working together: The Ballarat Tool Library is raising money to improve physical access in its space. Photos: FILE

WITH the aim of raising money to reduce the physical barriers at the Ballarat Tool Library, Thane Bourne is undertaking a fundraising walk along the Goldfields Track.

Mr Bourne describes himself as a “weekend warrior” and joined the library to get better access to the tools he needs for jobs around the house.

“I thought this is a really good idea and I wanted to do something to support them,” he said.

“I work in disability services so I got talking to a couple of the organisers and asked if there was anything they might be looking for in terms of making it more accessible.

“We came up with a couple of ideas and I’ve been helping them write grant applications and now the fundraiser as well.”

With an initial goal of $1000, Mr Bourne said the library would use the money for the first step in its Roll In project, aimed at making the space more accessible and buy a height adjustable work bench.

“The library has several volunteers who have physical, mobility issues,” he said.

“A height adjustable work bench would make the general workspace more accessible for those volunteers, and more ergonomic and easier to use.”

“We’ve applied for funding for an occupational therapist to do an assessment of the Tool Library’s overall workspace, looking to improve circulation space.

“Down the track if there was a wheelchair user or someone who’s physical mobility needs were a bit more pronounced, the workspace could be organised in a way it would allow someone like that to be part of the Tool Library as well.”

The Tool Library is membership based, with members able to lend out equipment, such as gardening, woodworking, and home repair tools.

Mr Bourne said he will embark on his nine-day trek in early February. To donate to the fundraiser, head to bit.ly/32f3ngm.