Ray of Giving returns, big time!

November 27, 2020 BY

Boot loot: Staff at Ray White are again coordinating the firm’s annual gift drive with donations going to the Salvation Army. Photo: SUPPLIED

THIS Christmas, Ray White Ballarat will continue its popular tradition of helping those in need with the return of real estate agency’s A Little Ray of Giving campaign.

The inspiring Christmas event sees Ray White Ballarat partner with The Salvation Army to help disadvantaged people who may need a little extra light in their festive season.

The team at the agency are calling on the community to embrace the giving season and dig deep for children who need it most.

“This is the eighth year that we’ve run A Little Ray of Giving and we want 2020 to be our biggest year yet,” said Ray White Ballarat director Phillip Lee.

“When you see our Christmas tree go up, we urge everyone who is able to bring in a gift for those families who are less fortunate.”

The gift drive is a way to help put a smile on the face of anyone who may need some extra cheer at this time of year, and taking part is as simple as can be.

“All you need to do is drop in a gift and place it under the Christmas tree in our office reception,” said Phillip Lee.

Ray White’s Ballarat office is located at 37 Lydiard Street South, Ballarat will have their special giving tree in their front window and will be collecting gifts from Monday, 30 November.

“It’s a really simple way to put a smile on the face of someone who might otherwise go without this Christmas,” said director Trevor Booth, adding that just a small gift can make the biggest difference to families who are struggling at an expensive time of year.

Ray White has run A Little Ray of Giving across Australia and New Zealand each December since 2012 and last year more than 340 offices helped gather 30,000 gifts for disadvantaged families.