Bike program grows with kind gift

August 26, 2022 BY

Wheelie good: ReCranked volunteer Tony Bidwell repairs a bike in the workshop before it goes to a new home. Photo: SUPPLIED

KIM Bott and Clare Quick set up their terrarium business Grow Kind with the philosophy of giving back to the community where they could.

A percentage of every sale is put into a separate bank account, this bundle grows, and over time becomes large enough for the pair to make a sizable donation to a community organisation or project.

Last week, Grow Kind donated $1000 to The Y Ballarat’s ReCranked bicycle recycling program, which takes old bikes and refurbishes them for new owners in need of two-wheeled transport.

“We chose Re-Cranked as the next recipient of our contribution fund, as their inspiring mentoring team of volunteers work tirelessly to transform unwanted or broken bikes into safe and effective modes of transport for those without wheels,” Mrs Bott said.

The duo were inspired to support ReCranked after literally crossing paths with program coordinator Wallace Martin on a walk through the Canadian Forest.

Clare Quick and Kim Bott have donated thousands of dollars to community initiatives since they launched their small business. Photo: FILE

“Whilst we have known Wallace for many years, it suddenly occurred to us that ReCranked should be the next beneficiary, as their community commitment and ethos is similar to that of ours,” Mrs Quick said.

“From this chance meeting, the wheels, so to speak, were set in motion.”

Mr Martin said the community has been generous in their support of the program, donating bikes they no longer need which are then refurbished for new owners to use and enjoy.

“We’re just so thankful to Grow Kind for their recent significant donation. This has been a real injection into the program, helping us to prepare our most recent lot of b

ikes,” he said.

“Prior to giving out ReCranked bikes, we need to ensure that they are road-ready, which includes giving recipients a helmet and lock. The funds will mean that at least 30 bikes will now be able to be equipped and ready to go.”

Mr Martin said those who benefit from ReCranked often find that having a bike is lifechanging when it comes to getting around, and fitness.

“Last week, a young person from the Ballarat community stopped by our workshop who is currently not in the position to afford a car.

“His ReCranked bike has played a crucial role in allowing him to access employment and get there every day,” he said.

“On the same day, we also gave out some of our reconditioned bikes to local children, so they can now learn bike riding skills and enjoy getting some exercise outdoors.”