Recycling and sports grounds a focus for Libs

Grass is greener: The second oval at the Mounties’ home base at Mount Clear Rec Reserve is set for an upgrade if the Coalition wins government on 26 November. Photo: FILE
WITH the State election just days away, the Liberal Party has continued making promises to the Ballarat community.
Recently recycling and sporting facilities were the focus of pitches in the region.
In a major announcement, the Coalition committed $16 million towards a materials recovery facility in the city’s west.
The proposed recycling plant would receive mixed items including paper, plastic, metal, and glass and sort them.
Member for Ripon, Louise Staley, said developing an MRF would have a range of benefits for the region.
“This project will create local jobs and reduce our overall waste to landfill, which has a significant impact on our precious environment,” she said.
The pitch is part of a wider $120 million Zero to Landfill fund that along with recycling would focus on energy from waste at landfills.
The plan also includes a commitment to introduce a container deposit scheme in Victoria within 100 days of taking office.
Across town in Mount Clear, Liberal candidate for Eureka, Paul Tatchell, was focused on sporting upgrades.
He pledged $750,000 for works on the second oval Mount Clear Recreation Reserve.
The site is home to the Mount Clear Junior Football Netball Club as well as the Mt Clear Cricket Club.
“These facilities are well-loved by locals, and our commitment will deliver better and more accessible playing spaces for these clubs to grow,” Mr Tatchell said.
“Also servicing students at the nearby college, this commitment from the Liberals and Nationals is an investment in the future of Mount Clear.”