Remember and reflect at the Anzac Day Dawn Service

April 17, 2019 BY

BALLARAT’S Anzac Day Dawn Service at the Sturt Street Cenotaph will be a powerful opportunity to recognise Australia’s service men and women, fallen and returned.

At 5.45am on 25 April, all members of the Ballarat community are invited and encouraged to meet in the CBD to reflect and remember.

A Gunfire Breakfast will follow at the Midlands-Ballarat RSL Sports and Services Club by gold coin donation.

Sausages, eggs, bacon and traditional rum coffee make up a Gunfire Breakfast, and rum coffee was utilised by soldiers in war time to keep warm.

Ballarat RSL’s Kristine Morgan said Anzac Day is a big day for comradery at Midlands.

“We have Two-Up until 6pm and that’s a big drawcard. Everyone has a great time, it’s fabulous.”

Buses will be provided to take people up to the RSL from the Dawn Service. The Anzac Day races and AFL game will be available to watch on television at the RSL.