Ribbon cut on Bridge Mall redevelopment

Open for business: City of Ballarat mayor Cr Tracey Hargreaves and Bridge Mall Business Association representative Polly Stringer (centre) celebrate the opening of the Bridge Mall redevelopment with councillors and supporters. Photos: MIRIAM LITWIN
THE more-than twenty-three-million-dollar redevelopment of the Bridge Mall was opened on Saturday with a community celebration.
The redevelopment includes a landscaped entry, a portal to view the Yarrowee, reflections of Wadawurrung Traditional Owners’ history and culture, 20 short term car parks, smart lighting, a play space, bollards, and a shared zone with a 10-kilometre per hour speed limit.
The redevelopment of Norwich Plaza is still underway and is set to become a food hub with five new businesses.
Bridge Mall Business Association representative Polly Stringer said it is great to see new interest in the area following the redevelopment.
“There’s been lots of new businesses that have already come but there’s also lots of interest and with
Norwich Plaza opening too it’s going to be five new businesses as
well,” she said.
“It is a very exciting time down here at the Bridge Mall so hopefully everyone will come and support.”
City of Ballarat mayor Cr Tracey Hargreaves joined community members, Bridge Mall Busine
ss Association traders and businesses, contractor 2Construct and landscape architects Hassell to celebrate the achievement.

The event included a Welcome to Country, a vintage and classic car display, roving entertainment, a barbecue, and an historic photo display on the precinct.
Ms Stringer said it was wonderful to be open and encouraged the community to back local businesses.
“It’s such a great feeling just to have the place open again, it has been a tough period for the traders, so we are very excited to have this happening,” she said.
“There is a lot of support out there, so I think that the future is bright.”