Road safety forum set for Ballarat

July 3, 2019 BY

RESIDENTS are invited to share and receive ideas about the improvement of local road safety at a Towards Zero Regional Road Safety Forum in Redan on Wednesday 10 July.

Following 92 deaths on regional Victorian roads this year, road safety experts, local government representatives and community leaders are facilitating the meeting to shine a light on the higher rate of casualties on country roads, the reasons they happen and strategies for prevention.

The event will investigate enforcement, speed,  technology and infrastructure, alongside the open conversations and issues raised by attendees.

Over two thirds of people killed on regional roads in 2019 were less than 30 kilometres from home. Minister for Roads, Road Safety and the TAC Jaala Pulford said the forum is crucial.

“It’s an important opportunity for people in the local community to reflect on local experiences of road trauma, and see that opportunities exist to have safer roads and safer drivers in the Ballarat region,” she said.

“We’ve had some horrific incidents in the first half of this year in this community and I know this is an issue always at the forefront of everyone’s mind.”

There will be seven other road safety forums in July, August and September throughout the state.

The state government will review the discussions within these forums during the creation of the next Victorian road safety strategy.

Ballarat’s Towards Zero Regional Road Safety Forum will be held at Ballarat Regional Soccer Facility, 900 Pleasant Street South, Redan.

Attendees should arrive early to begin at 6pm.

The forum will conclude at 7.30pm. For more information visit