Ruby crafts celebrate four decades

September 16, 2024 BY
Rubylicious Embroidery Exhibition

Embroiderers Guild of Victoria’s Ballarat branch members will be exhibiting ruby red works as part of their exhibition.

LOCAL branch members of an embroiderery organisation are decorating Art Space Ballarat red in an effort to mark an anniversary milestone.

The Embroiderers Guild of Victoria’s Ballarat branch is rounding out their 40th birthday celebrations with the Rubylicious exhibition.

Boasting nearly 100 works from 70 out of 120 paid members, group president Jenni Smith said the show’s theme is tying into their four-decade festivities.

“The theme is red,” she said. “All the pieces on display are all varied in technique and styles but they all feature the colour red in them.

“Because it’s 40 years, it’s a ruby, so that’s where the red theme has come from.

“There’s traditional pieces like linen and counted work right through to creative works like beading.”

Red is the theme of the ruby anniversary showcase.


The local branch previously acknowledged their 40th birthday during their biennial exhibition held as part of Begonia Festival, which typically raises between $8000 and $10,000 for the organisation.

“We’ve also had birthday luncheons and guest speakers,” Ms Smith said. “It’s been a year of celebrating. We’ll finish it with a Christmas lunch and wind up.”

The show’s centrepiece, to be displayed at the venue’s window, will comprise red circles individually stitched by each of the exhibition’s contributing creatives.

Ms Smith said the local group has been a fixture of Ballarat’s embroidery scene since its inception.

“This originally started as a country group, just a group of ladies meeting at people’s houses,” she said.


From linen work to beading, Rubylicious will present diverse embroidery styles.


“Forty years ago, we decided there was enough numbers and enough interest to join the Embroiderers Guild of Victoria which has around 1400 members.

“We’ve got one member who joined up when she was 13 and she’s been here since it started.

“It’s an organisation that promotes embroidery and teaches that which is no longer taught in schools.”

Rubylicious will open from 6pm on Tuesday 17 September and will run until 20 October.

Art Space Ballarat is open from 10am to 4pm Wednesdays to Sundays.