
School gets truck load of cash

July 15, 2023 BY

Welcomed: Helen Berry from the Historical Commercial Vehicle Club of Australia and Sonia Jardine, principal of Clunes Primary School, at the handover of a $5000 cheque. Photo: SUPPLIED

CLUNES Primary School has been presented with a cheque of five thousand dollars which is set to go towards a gaga pit.

The money was raised by the Historical Commercial Vehicle Club Australia’s Ballarat branch at this year’s Clunes show.

Principal of Clunes Primary School, Sonia Jardine, said she was overwhelmed with the generosity.

“I nearly cried because that is such a significant amount of money for a donation for any school, let alone a small school of our size,” she said.

The school currently has 112 students and Ms Jardine said this money will allow for the purchase a gaga pit, which is something the children have been wanting for years.

“Our students for four to five years have experienced the joys of a gaga pit when they’ve attended camps and they’ve written persuasive texts, written letters to me and done mathematics around costs,” she said.

“This is a great opportunity to listen to our students’ fantastic requests.”

A gaga pit involves a hexagonally shaped wooden structure which has a pit filled with sand in the centre.

It’s used to play a competitive ballgame where they slowly eliminate each other.

“It teaches persistence, getting along and resilience when things go wrong,” said Ms Jardine.

“Our kids are very active at Clunes and we are very focused on being a health promoting school and I can just envisage children out there at every opportunity.”

Ms Jardine said receiving a donation from the Historical Commercial Vehicle Club Australia Ballarat branch is particularly special.

“Every long weekend in March our school conducts a Devonshire tea fundraising effort at the vintage truck show and usually we raise around $1000,” she said.

“Having that donation that is five years’ worth of efforts recognises those parents and community members that work that weekend.

“All of their efforts to support the school have been recognised and we could not be more grateful for such an incredible donation.”