Sewer build flows along Peel Street

June 10, 2021 BY

Under done: a micro-tunnelling technique was recently used to get the city’s new sewer under the intersection of Curtis and Peel streets. Photo: ALISTAIR FINLAY

WORKS on a Central Highlands Water project to build a new sewer from Brown Hill to Mount Pleasant have reached a key milestone with pipe now set along a key section of the route.

If you’ve been near Peel Street, between Little Bridge and Mair streets recently, you’ll have noticed it’s looking a lot like a building site.

“A significant amount of construction work, including micro-tunnelling and open excavation has been occurring in Peel Street over the last month, however the last week has provided an opportunity for us to safely fast-track works while there has been reduced traffic in the area,” said project manager Michael Dwyer.

“We are pleased to announce 165 metres of sewer pipe is now successfully installed beneath Peel Street, between Curtis Street and Mair Street.”

The micro-tunnelling technique was used to get the pipe under the intersection of Curtis and Peel streets, and will soon be used again at the Mair and Peel cross over.

With a number of business in the area impacted, especially on the east side of Peel Street, CHW managing director Paul O’Donohue said the utility and contractors were seeking to support them.

“Central Highlands Water is working directly with stakeholders, including businesses located along the sewer route and local transport operators,” he said.

“We sincerely thank everyone for their continued support and understanding during construction.”

The overall project, known as the Ballarat Sewer Build, is budgeted to cost $25 million and double the city’s original sewer capacity over a six-kilometre route between Brown Hill Reserve and Prest Street in Mount Pleasant.

Stage one of the works is currently underway and will eventually run between Peel Street and White Flat Oval. Stage two is White Flat to Prest Street, while stage three is Peel Street to Brown Hill.