
Sewer project to impact local businesses

July 5, 2024 BY

Working together: Traffic management and detours are in place along Barkly, Humffray and Prest Streets as part of the Ballarat Sewer Build. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN

AS the latest section of Ballarat Sewer Build stage two gets under way, Central Highlands Water is working with impacted businesses.

Traffic management and detours are in place along Barkly, Humffray and Prest streets, however, businesses are still accessible.

Genesis Gym, Interknit Branberry Australian Made Knitwear, and Viridi Australian Made Furniture are located within the detour but remain open.

Central Highlands Water staff have met with impacted businesses to discuss the changes and project manager, Chris Loader, said business owners had been supportive and understanding.

“These small businesses recognise that while the works may be disruptive in the short term, that they’re vital to the long-term needs of our city,” he said.

“We’ve committed to collaborating and communicating regularly to fine-tune our approach.

“We encourage locals to continue to support small businesses throughout these works.

“We’re deeply appreciative of their patience and understanding while we build this infrastructure.”

Genesis Gym Owner, Mel Tempest, said they had been communicating with members about the changes.

“We’ve worked with the CHW team to add additional lighting around our gym and to share information around parking and detours for our visitors,” she said.

Stage two of the project is expected to be completed early in 2025.