
Small actions to make a big difference

August 22, 2024 BY

Kindness and generosity: Dr Jim Skivalidas from I'm Just a Man, Rebekah Roberston from Live4Life, and Andrew Eales, CEO of Ballarat Foundation. Photos: SUPPLIED

UNLOCK Possibilities’ first trivia night has raised more than seven thousand dollars for local organisations.

The event, held at North Ballarat Sports Club last Saturday, was made possible with donations from about 40 Ballarat businesses.

Money raised will go to Life4Life, which provides mental health prevention education to young people, Ballarat Foundation’s Feed Ballarat Appeal, which aims to tackle food insecurity in the region, and Dr Jim Skivalidas I’m Just a Man which raises awareness around men’s mental health.

“It just shows you the power of community I think and how great people can be,” said Unlock Possibilities founder David Sproules.

“I am the sort of person who will just naturally help the community and that has been engrained in me from my mum and dad.”

Dr Jim Skivalidas with Unlock Possibilities founder David Sproules.


The trivia night marked Unlock Possibilities’ first event and Mr Sproules said he founded it to help organisations reach their potential.

“It’s a multifaceted concept which came of the back of the fact I’ve been involved with a lot of community groups over the years,” he said.

“I started up Unlock Possibilities with a view to help groups, it can be individuals, it can be businesses as well, to unlock what’s possible for them.”

Mr Sproules said this initiative has shown that a little bit of compassion can make a big difference.

“It’s just the power of small acts of kindness, they go a long way,” he said.

“When others notice others doing good it creates that positivity and a good vibe essentially.

“The more people with that mindset, the better our community is going to be.”