
So much to see at business festival

August 7, 2023 BY

Energising: Laurey Sherren will be at Commerce Ballarat’s B31 August business festival sharing the importance of good nutrition for employees. Photo: SUPPLIED

COMMERCE Ballarat’s B31 August business festival is underway but there is still time to book a session and learn about business opportunities.

The festival has a range of events on offer showcasing different businesses, team building exercises and strategy opportunities.

On Tuesday 15 August Nourished Everyday will be presenting a session on nutrition entitled Healthy Employees Make Happy Employees – Importance of good nutrition.

“I really want community members to be able to improve their relationship with food,” said Nourished Everyday founder Laurey Sherren.

“I know I had a really negative relationship with food in my younger years, so I really want to be able to help people overcome those kinds of food habits.”

The seminar aims to create awareness around good nutrition and having a healthy relationship with food.

Topics will include food for mental health, simple food swaps, and nutrition for shift workers.

“It’s about nourishing your body to live your best life, bringing that enjoyment back and educating people about food because we weren’t taught this in school,” said Ms Sherren.

“It really helps people focus at work, not feel tired and run down and not take sick days.”

On the same theme of staying happy and healthy, mental health clinician Claire Vrieze will be running a session on Monday 28 August called Mastering Your Mind: The brain spring clean workshop.

It is designed to help participants unlock their full potential, find mental clarity and improve wellbeing.

Hospitality will be the topic of a range of other sessions entitled Let’s Talk Ballarat.

On Wednesday 16 August, chef Liam Downes will be sharing his future plans and the business model of Black Cat Truffles, along with representatives from Wilson’s Fruit and Vegetables and Karon Coffee.

“We’ll be speaking about the continuous growth of the farm and how we continue to provide amazing truffles,” said Downes.

In another session on Tuesday 29 August the focus will be on artisan products, with talks from Saltbush Kitchen and Kilderkin Distillery and Cellar Door on how they run their business.

“Sharing any information on business means people can get a snapshot of how other people are doing things or a better way of doing things,” said Downes.

“I think it’s important we collaborate and help each other.”

To book tickets for the festival, visit commerceballarat.com.au.