SONIKA Records debut album

April 8, 2021 BY

Soaring songs: Ballarat vocalist Lachlan Reeves, or Lachnes, has a track on Sonika’s new album. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE musical component of Ballarat Youth Services, SONIKA, has produced and launched an all-ages album thanks to Victorian State Government and FReeZa programs.

SONIKA Records’ latest album features tracks from local artists and collectives including; Loving Elara, Lil Jul, PEACEMAKER, Lachness, Cassles, Tommy J, Volt Jolt, Lotus Eyes and Izzy Farrah, with the aim of kick starting their careers.

“SONIKA committee were extremely excited to achieve the album recording despite the many challenges 2020 provided,” City of Ballarat’s coordinator of youth development Craig Donaldson said.

“Delivering the program amidst a global pandemic and varying levels of restrictions challenged the SONIKA committee to think creatively to achieve its goal as Melbourne industry professionals, recording studios and filming were unavailable.

“Instead, the SONIKA crew were able to creatively adapt the program successfully recording during easing of restrictions in a local studio and adapting to the production of an animated music videos in lieu of in-person filming.”

Initiating Sonika Records in 2019 after a state Battle of the Bands was cancelled, SONIKA utilised 2020 to produce a regional album to support young musicians within the community.

“SONIKA undertook an application process in 2020 to identify interested artists and their ability to be able to record their own track,” Mr Donaldson said.

“Our aim with this program is to provide opportunities for young musicians of all experiences to develop their music industry skills in a variety of ways, live performance, studio recording, press experience.

“Supporting young and developing Ballarat artists provides opportunity to refine their skills with industry professionals and provide paid performance opportunities to showcase their talents.”