
SoupBus receives record donations

June 28, 2024 BY

Got milk: On Track Foundation founder and chair, Craig Schepis (centre) received another big donation of milk this month from Rotary Club of Ballarat members Alan Smith and Bee Kahar at The SoupBus. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS

THIS financial year alone, Rotary Club of Ballarat members and supporters have donated a record eight tonnes of long-life full-cream milk to The SoupBus.

Earlier in the month, milk drive coordinator and Rotarian Alan Smith dropped off a huge single delivery of 888 litres to the bus on behalf of the club.

The SoupBus is coordinated by the On Track Foundation, and founder and chair Craig Schepis said milk is provided to their clients across Ballarat who are in need of emergency food relief.

“This support is priceless,” he said. “We’ve opened Wendouree service, and our numbers are consistently up to 70 per night when we’re there, from around a dozen.

“The SoupBus itself is up to 70 consistently per night, and 45 people used to be a big night.

“We wouldn’t be able to keep up without the support from the Rotary Club of Ballarat and this milk initiative. We’re just keeping up now.

“These donations are a game-changer.”

Rotarians started donating milk about eight years ago and would supply about 100 litres a month. Now, on average, they give 674 litres a month.

SoupBus clients can easily take cartons of milk away with them after they’ve visited the service.

“If anyone’s sleeping rough, there’s no wastage with one litre. Families can also take them home for breakfasts,” Mr Schepis said.

Mr Smith said people from all walks of life, beyond the Rotarians, have supported the milk drive including local schools and businesses.

Anyone who would like to donate one-litre containers of full-cream long-life milk can continue to do so by contacting Mr Smith on 0419 582 042.

Mr Schepis said non-perishables are also needed. Donations can be made at The SoupBus depot behind the Ballarat East Men’s Shed every Wednesday morning, and on the first and third Saturday of every month, between 9.30am and 11am.