SpringFest reborn!

August 25, 2021 BY

Represent!: SpringFest ambassadors Tim Bone and Jules Zass along with the their children Toby and Ruby are looking forward to the return of annual event. Photo: CHIPPY RIVERA.

MUCH loved community market day and Rotary Club major fundraiser, SpringFest, is set to return in 2021.

After heading online last year, the family-friendly event, which takes place on the last Sunday of November, is back at a new location and with an expanded line-up of events.

Taking to the Ballarat Showgrounds, and along with the traditional market Sunday, it’ll be more like SpringFeast than SpringFest with a huge food truck eat out planned for the preceding Friday night.

“SpringFest Ballarat in past years has spanned over six kilometres against the serene backdrop of Lake Wendouree,” said co-director David Torrington.

“This year, to enable the Rotary Club to meet the current requirements to operate a COVID safe event, SpringFest Ballarat Market Sunday will be located at the Ballarat Showgrounds where we can coordinate things like check-ins and have entry and exit points.”

Along with nearly 450 market stalls, the popular Show n Glow is returning with the help of the Ballarat Road Rodders, and more events are set to be added.

“The stalls will be offering a wide range of food, art and craft, music, clothing, jewellery, plants, as well as the performers, car displays and activities to suit all interests,” Mr Torrington said.

“An additional feature of the event this year will be the 130 indoor sites on offer to stallholders, and to the public.”

As the town’s top toasie tzar SpringFest ambassador Tim Bone said the Food Truck Friday event was going to be special.

“It’s an amazing idea,” he said. “There’s some great food trucks around Ballarat and with the food scene, I think it’s a great fit.

“Those funky little food trucks are really popping up and it’s great showcase them.

“It’s brilliant to see SpringFest back with some form of normality. As with COVID ‘pivot’ is the in word and to have it at the showgrounds is going to be nice to centralise everything.”

While it’s always a great day out in the late spring sunshine, Bone said that at its heart SpringFest was an important fundraiser.

“It’s about supporting the local Rotary clubs and they in turn donate to the community partners around Ballarat, which is amazing initiative,” he said.

‘That’s what SpringFest is all about!”

2021 SpringFest is currently set for Sunday, 28 November at the Ballarat Showground, with Food Truck Friday rolling into the same location on 26 November. Entry to both events will be by gold coin donation.