
Middle school centre open for learning

July 5, 2024 BY

Officially open: Member for Eureka Michaela Settle cut the ribbon alongside senior students Lucy, Laine and Sahara. Photos: EDWINA WILLIAMS

ST Francis Xavier Primary School at Mount Xavier has a new Middle School Learning Centre for grade two and three students.

The building worth $3.1 million has six classrooms, student amenities, a communal learning space and staff areas.

Currently 144 pupils learn within the space, and on average 22 are in each classroom.

Principal Mark Hogbin said it’s like a “mini school” within the campus.

“By having our twos and threes here together, our teachers can work together, our students share a common space, they have a dedicated homeroom, and that opens up to an integrated space where the children can work together,” he said.

The new centre for grade two and three students is a flexible learning space.


“They have opportunities to work in their own room, and then to come out across rooms. It’s what we call a flexible learning space.

“Previously the children were in separate, older classrooms which didn’t allow the students to move from one to the other as part of an integrated learning style.”

Member for Eureka Michaela Settle opened the building officially last week.

The State Government contributed $2 million to the project from the Independent Schools Fund, the school community provided $1 million, and the Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education provided the rest.

“Victoria is the education state and every student deserves the best facilities so I’m delighted that we also fund independent schools through this fund to create great learning spaces,” Ms Settle said.

On average, 22 pupils are in each home room.


“I’m so excited about the opportunities this centre

will bring for local children and families in Ballarat East.”

The building was designed by Y2 Architecture. Construction commenced during the pandemic and the site was shut down multiple times, so Mr Hogbin said it has been an achievement to finally get the doors open.

A previous building project created a similar learning centre for preps and grade ones, and there’s another planned in the future for grades four to six.