
Taking steps to prevent violence

May 24, 2024 BY

Moving forward: CEO of Women's Health Grampians, Marianne Hendron with mayor Ce Des Hudson. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE City of Ballarat is putting several measures in place to prevent violence against women in the region and is calling for other businesses, organisations and clubs to join them.

Statistics show that about16 per cent of women allegedly killed this year have died in the Ballarat area.

This new campaign led by the City of Ballarat aims to create awareness around Women’s Health Grampians through the Communities of Respect and Equality (CoRE) alliance.

CoRE consists of more than 120 organisations businesses, clubs and groups which are working to create safe and respectful communities.

Members commit to the CoRE strategy which aims to prevent violence against women and children.

CEO of Women’s Health Grampians, Marianne Hendron, said the community is key to creating change.

“The evidence shows that collective action makes a difference,” she said.

“We work with many organisations across our city who share a vision for building safe, inclusive and respectful communities.

“This is long-term work, the kind of work that builds a strong foundation for generations to come in whatever sphere of influence an organisation happens to have.”

The City of Ballarat is a member of CoRE and actions the organisation is taking includes implementing active bystander training, offering staff 20 days of family violence leave a year, building partnerships with family violence services and developing a fair access policy.

Mayor Cr Des Hudson said it is important the community takes action.

“According to the latest estimates, nearly one in three women aged 15 years and older, have been subjected to physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner, non-partner or both, at least once in their lifetime,” he said.

“These statistics highlight that it’s so important we must all become active bystanders and call out disrespect, sexism and violence against women whenever we see it.

“CoRE has a range of tools and support available for organisations, sporting groups, clubs and groups to take action in a meaningful, lasting way.”