
The legacy of a Comm Games we never had

July 28, 2023 BY

Full speed ahead: Upgrades in Ballarat, accessibility improvements at the station, are set to go ahead despite the cancellation of the Commonwealth Games. Photo: FILE

DESPITE the cancellation of the Commonwealth Games Ballarat is still set to see upgrades to infrastructure

Last week the State Government announced a $2 billion package for projects in regional Victoria.

In Ballarat, the works include a new athletics track, and an expansion of Mars Stadium with an additional 5000 seats and improved accessibility.

Mountain bike tracks will also be completed in Creswick, a new multi-sport facility will be built at Miners Rest, and Selkirk Stadium will be upgraded.

“Any permanent new structure that we agreed to upgrade will be completed as we promised,” said member for Wendouree, Juliana Addison.

“The reason we said we would like to host the first regional Commonwealth Games is the infrastructure we could provide the regions.

“We made a commitment to the Victorian communities, we said that after the games you would have that incredible infrastructure and we will keep that promise.”

The works at Ballarat’s train station will also go ahead, with passenger lifts to be built on both platforms and a connecting overpass.

A day after the Games were cancelled a new State Government backed $1 billion Regional Housing Fund was announced with the aim of building 1300 homes in Victoria, with of which be in Ballarat.

There will also be $150 million put towards the Regional Tourism and Events Fund which is designed to bring events, attractions, and more accommodation to regional Victoria.

As the announcement of the Games’ cancellation was only made last week, Ms Addison said completion dates for the Ballarat projects have not been decided, however, they will be done as soon as possible.

“Now we don’t have to be spending time on organising transport and security and accommodation for athletes, we are going to be able to get on with delivery this straight away,” she said.

“We are really positive that we’re going to get on the front foot and start delivering this.”

While the projects will be fully funded by the State Government, the building of the infrastructure will be completed in conjunction with relevant partners such as the City of Ballarat.

“We will be funding them as the State Government, but we will be working with partners to deliver these,” said Ms Addison.

One of the areas of confusion since the announcement has been the site of the old saleyards, which was going to be the athletes’ village.

Ms Addison said it will be up to the community to decide what is done with the site, now that there isn’t time pressure for a 2026 completion.

“What we would like to see happen is that we continue on with the works to make sure all the soil remediation occurs, so we then have a blank canvas to make a decision as a community of what we want to build,” said Ms Addison.

“To have a site of that size in an incredible location, the opportunities are endless.”