
Energy help for those in need

April 15, 2021 BY

Hot topic: As the weather starts to cool down one organisation is offering help to deal with energy bills. Photo: FILE

AS winter approaches, Uniting is encouraging those that will need help with their power bills to reach out for one-on-one support before their situation gets stressful.

If you’re set to find challenges when covering the costs of your power use, The Uniting Energy Assistance Program will pair eligible people, like low-income earners and older residents, with advisors who can teach skills to reduce bills, improve energy efficiency, locate best-value providers, and navigate payment planning.

Advisors will also help their clients apply for grants and any rebates they may be eligible for.

Senior manager of Uniting’s Energy and Financial Literacy Program, Matt Cairns, said many financial counsellors report energy bills as the main cause for stress.

“The energy market can be really confusing. When people are faced with high bills and fall into debt, they often don’t know where to turn for support,” he said.

“Some people are struggling to catch up with their bills, but we also see elderly clients in winter who stop using their heating altogether because they are worried about the cost.

“That can seriously affect their health and welfare, and we want to avoid that.”

Mr Cairns has seen clients use credit cards and payday lenders to pay energy bills, which can create further debts down the line.

His team wants to help others before that happens.

“Prevention is far better than cure.”
