
Upcoming election information

June 20, 2024 BY

Have your say: City of Ballarat CEO Evan King said it is important councillors represent the diverse needs of the community. Photo: FILE

CITY of Ballarat’s next council election will be in October.

The election of nine councillors will be managed by the Victorian Electoral Commission and give ratepayers an opportunity to elect local people who put their hands up to represent the needs of the community.

The Ballarat municipality will shift from three wards to nine, and one councillor will be chosen to represent each ward.

“This year’s local government elections are an opportunity for Ballarat residents to elect candidates who they think best represent the community’s vision for a better, stronger, and more sustainable Ballarat,” said City of Ballarat CEO Evan King.

“Local democracy hinges on the need for councils to represent the diverse needs and aspirations of our local communities.”

The Municipal Association of Victoria will be holding stand-for-council information sessions for the community and potential candidates in-person and online.

Participants will be provided with information about local government and the role of council, the responsibilities of councillors, mayor, deputy mayor and chief executive officer, and the election process and candidate requirements.

The sessions will be held across Victoria and participants can attend more than one session.

“We encourage community members and prospective candidates to attend one of the upcoming information sessions to gain an insight into how local government operates and to help shape the future for the City of Ballarat,” said Mr King.

The City of Ballarat will host a session on Thursday 8 August and registrations can be completed on the Municipal Association of Victoria stand-for-council website.

There will also be additional sessions for women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, people with disabilities, youth, culturally and linguistically diverse, and LGBTIQA+ communities to encourage more diverse candidates.

More information and key dates about the council election can be found on the City of Ballarat website.