Upgrade for key back road

Safer curves: As part of the Federal Government’s Black Spots program, Craddocks Road at Smythesdale is set for upgrades. Photo: ALISTAIR FINLAY
ROAD safety is the focus of new Federal Government funding.
As part of the Black Spot program, $360,000 will be spent on a number of safety initiatives at Craddocks Road at Smythesdale.
The funding will go towards safety barriers between Turnbull Court and Whites Road, a barrier line along the entire length of the road, new signage and a reduction in speed limit to 60 kilometres per hour.
Give way signs and lines will also be added at the Turnbull Court intersection.
In announcing the funding last week, Member for Wannon Dan Tehan said the black spot funding program was about reducing the impacts of road trauma.
“Road crashes place major emotional and economic strains on all affected communities but particularly the families and friends of the victims,” he said.
As part of the program 10 locations in the regional Victorian municipalities of Corangamite, Corio, Bendigo and Ballarat with a history of crashes due to a lack of safety features were identified for upgrades.
Also in Wannon, almost $2 million will go towards several safety upgrades along the Princes Highway, west of Colac.
“Motorists living within and visiting Wannon will be pleased to know two notorious black spots in the electorate will be fixed with funding from the program,” Mr Tehan said.
Golden Plains Shire mayor Cr Helena Kirby said the Federal Government funding is “excellent news for local residents and drivers in the Smythesdale and Haddon area.”
“The added safety barriers, barrier line and improved signage will help make Craddocks Road safer, and address concerns raised following three accidents in the past several years,” she said.
“Council is pleased that its nomination of the road for black spot funding has been successful, and that we can now deliver this $360,000 road safety project for our community.”
The Craddocks Road works are expected to be completed by June next year.