
The show will rock on

July 29, 2021 BY

Treading the boards: Ballarat Lyric Theatre will return to Her Majesty’s with their 2021 musical production as soon as possible, following its 15 July opening. Photo: FILE

BALLARAT Lyric Theatre performed their opening night of dystopian musical We Will Rock You to a full house, just hours before the state’s snap lockdown began.

Although the cast, crew and orchestra haven’t played their originally scheduled season, director Stephen Armati said, “The show will go on,” when the Premier allows the operation of theatre productions, and the return of audiences.

“Our aim is to continue to the show as soon as possible. We are working closely with the City of Ballarat and Her Maj staff to find viable solutions,” he said.

“We are extremely thankful to the mayor Cr Daniel Moloney, PT at 3BA, Her Majesty’s Daniel Henderson and box office manager Jo Kruse, who have been fantastic. We’ve been blown away by the support from them and the broader community.

“Everything is looking positive for us to go back in once we get advice from the State Government, so we encourage those with tickets to keep connected to our Ballarat Lyric Theatre Facebook page, our website, and the Her Maj website.”

After a dress rehearsal or two, Mr Armati said the production will pick up where it left off, and the theatre company will do its best to add additional shows if there are any audience capacity restrictions in place.

“We had 6500 pre-sold tickets, and all of them will be honoured,” he said.

Keep up to date with the future We Will Rock You via ballaratlyrictheatre.com.au, facebook.com/BallaratLyricTheatreInc, and hermaj.com.