What is the Question – April 2022

April 10, 2022 BY


For April’s what is the question, Roland chatted with director of local large-scale building company Nicholson Construction, Richard Nicholson. Photo: SUPPLIED


What is your name?

Richard Nicholson.


What is your occupation?

Director at Nicholson Construction.


What brought you to Ballarat?

My mother! I was born here, 1968, at St John of God Hospital.


What is your favourite spot in the city?

My home.  Relaxing and spending time with the family is ideal. Also, the lake and Botanical Gardens. I walk the lake daily and it’s spectacular.


What is your earliest memory?

About 1972; we lived in MacArthur Street near Lake Wendouree. I remember milk was delivered daily by horse and cart; there were trams along MacArthur Street. I spent a lot of time around the lake – many fond memories (some not so fond, including standing on glass and cutting your feet to shreds as you walked into the lake!)


What is the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?

To leave Australia to work in Singapore for two years when I was 24. The move from Ballarat to Asia was a shock! It exposed me to another race and taught me to accept people for who they are. I knew no-one; no mobile phones, no internet, no money for accommodation beyond a week, and no money to return home; and no Paula!

I worked under local conditions for local wages. I learnt humility and perseverance; it exposed me to incredible building projects. I was the young structural engineer, responsible for the design, including an underground sewerage treatment plant – amazing!


What do you like to cook?

Steak and eggs on toast – not much else.  I’m lucky, my wonderful wife Paula cooks great meals every night.


What is your favourite smell?

Open paddocks late on a summer’s night. Cold air moisture; the smell of the harvest stubble wafting gently. I stand and breathe deeply until my head is dizzy from too much oxygen.


What building would you choose to be?

The Chrysler Building in New York.  I love Manhattan, and I love Chryslers!


If you could ask your pet one question, what would it be?

The cat – “Why don’t you like me?”


What music do you like?

Pink Floyd – my staple rock band. I’ve asked to be buried with Dark Side of Moon in every available playable format. I like a variety – jazz and blues influenced. Also, Perry Como, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Elvis, Leonard Cohen, Etta James, Dianne Reeves, Aretha Franklin, Duke Ellington, and Sting, Eagles, Billy Joel, Elton John, Queen – all the old classics.


What person – living or dead would invite to dinner party?

Winston Churchill. Full of amazing skills and capability, but at the same time vulnerable.


What technological/scientific development boggles your mind?

Social media. I don’t understand how or why people are so fascinated with the opinions of someone who’s hiding in a cupboard throwing hand grenades. The bravery of being out of range!


What was your first job?

A shearing shed roustabout. Now THAT’s hard work, but boy, the skin on my hands was beautiful after handling all those fleeces.


What did you want to be when you were growing up?

An astronaut. I missed that target but at least I’ve achieved a pilot’s licence – the next best thing.


What scares you?

Politics, and a community tendency to look to government to save them from life itself; hearing people suggest that democracy is broken or failing us, and government is the answer. Governments are temporary; democracy is enduring and the only system with a self-righting mechanism.


What historical calamity would you choose to reverse?

The advent and evolution of communism.


What phase did you go through in high school?

Growing-up with four brothers, I was the shy type, trying desperately to be good at something to impress. I was lucky I could play the drums and catch the attention of young Paula.


What is your all-time favourite book?

In my youth – L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth. A supersonic extension of the Star Wars series.

Now I’m more educational, historical, and philosophical:  The Gulag Archipelago, Money Mischief, Art of War, Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About The World, and 12 Rules for Life.

Currently, 1950’s The Origins of Totalitarianism – very relevant parallels and lessons for us today!


If you were to die this evening, with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone?

Not showing a greater appreciation for all the things Paula does for me. Life is challenging and a strong partnership is better at overcoming the challenges, and celebrating the rewards together.