What is the Question – May

For May’s What is the Question owner and operator of The Farmgate Shop on the Midland Highway at Elaine Mark Dunne talked with Roland about the venture, and his life in the district. Photo: FILE
For May’s What is the Question owner and operator of The Farmgate Shop on the Midland Highway at Elaine Mark Dunne talked with Roland about the venture, and his life in the district. Photo: FILE
What is your name?
Mark Dunne
What is your occupation?
Small business owner – The Farmgate Shop is on one of the very first titles registered in Elaine (formerly known as Stoney Rises) on the Cobb and Co. trail from Ballarat to Geelong in the 1800s goldrush era.
What brought you to Ballarat?
I was born and bred in the district.
What is your favourite spot, and why?
The many, many family farms in the district. They provide food, shelter, and so much more. They produce food year after year keep our bellies fed, and each and every one of the farms has their own individuality, uniqueness and story to tell. Living treasures!
What is your earliest memory?
Hunting for tadpoles in potholes on the streets of Meredith on a kindergarten walk with Mrs Colvin and Pop Gargan. Planting trees with my father after one of those days at kindergarten.
What is the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?
Going with my beliefs against the narratives in the COVID years. Having a difference of opinion to what we, as the populace, were being told on a daily basis through mainstream media campaigns. Believing in myself, not what I was being told by the media.
What would you do to make a difference in the world?
Talking to someone every day has a far greater impact than you realise. Actions speak louder than words. One man or woman can change a mindset of the fellow being they are talking with, remain positive. Keep a smile and as my mum says, “have a laugh!”
What do you hope the future might hold for you?
It’s not what the future holds for me, but what the future holds for our children. I hope they have a future with eyes wide open, awakened minds, and an ability to question so called authorities.
What is the best decision ever you have made?
Back my own judgement
What building would you choose to be, and why?
An Australian bush hut – simple, natural, and earthy.
What is your most treasured possession, and why?
Knowledge, and the stories of history
What or who inspires you?
Every day characters running their own businesses and farms.
What is your favourite quote?
Never, EVER, give-up
What person – living or dead would invite to dinner party?
My neighbours – living and dead. It would be very interesting to talk with those neighbours who have gone before us, and those that remain on this realm.
What qualities do you admire in other people?
Determination. Dedication. Will power
What was your first job?
Bagging sheep manure.
What scares you?
Do not fear!
What do you wish someone had told you when you were starting out?
Success doesn’t come quickly, it’s a journey.
What is your favourite smell, and why?
Liniment oil in the footy club rooms before the game starts is a hard one to beat, even though my footy days are well gone the mateship and challenges of the game ahead, and to pit yourself ahead of the opposition is all very exciting as a young bloke. The smell still makes the hairs stand-up on the back of my neck, and the goosebumps which rise in search of that elusive premiership at football finals time.
What is something about you which is still the same as when you were a child?
The love of the natural world.