
Whisky added to Kilderkin’s spirited offerings

December 16, 2023 BY

Years in the making: Chris Pratt and Rebecca Mathews have launched a new whisky at Kilderkin Distillery. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN

KILDERKIN Distillery have celebrated the launch of their new goldfields single malt whisky.

The spirit is now available for purchase and distillery owner Chris Pratt said the launch has been years in the making.

“We actually set up the business originally to do whisky but in 2015 myself and my partner Rebecca did a bit of a research tour across England and Scotland and we realised that gin had a lot of potential,” he said.

“It was something that offered us the opportunity to work in Australia with Australian grown botanicals, so we flipped the model and focused on the gin.”

Once the pair had developed the distillery’s gin, they then began to work on the whisky.

“In Australia the minimum requirement is to age your whisky for two years, we have aged ours for five years,” said Mr Pratt.

“For quite some years we’ve been asked when our whisky will be available so some people will be quite pleased to see it finally on the shelves.”

The whisky is entirely made on site at the distillery.

“A single malt is a whisky that has been produced in one distillery and only from malted barley, there is no other cereal involved,” said Mr Pratt.

“For us that meant we from scratch produced the whisky.”

Mr Pratt said he hopes the launch of the whisky will attract new customers to the distillery.

“I think there’s some people who enjoy all spirits but also a divide and some people who think gin’s okay but whisky is my drink,” he said.