Who will be the best in Ballarat business this year?

March 21, 2025 BY
Ballarat Business Excellence Awards

The highlight of their career: Chris Packer and Associates' Lindy and Chris Packer won Business of the Year in 2024 and invite other enterprises to get nominating in 2025. Photos: FILE

THE 2025 Federation University Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards process officially launched last night, Thursday 20 March, at the Mining Exchange.

The awards exist to showcase, celebrate and support local businesses in all they achieve and contribute to the Ballarat region, and to help them self-assess, promote, market themselves and network.

“We believe the awards provide our business community with the opportunity to closely review their practices and identify and celebrate successes,” Commerce Ballarat chair Darren Trigg said.

“A commitment to the application process will bring immediate rewards by providing a fresh perspective and offering greater insight into your present operations and the strategies that will further support your business.

“We recognise the very tough environment, so our organisation works hard to provide positive opportunities to help boost morale for business owners and employees.

“The awards can be great for team unity and growth.”

Join the movement by nominating your business for the 2025 Federation University Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards, and take it a step further by nominating others that you believe are worthy of recognition and reward.

Ballarat Business Excellence Awards
Ballarat Business Excellence Awards


After the nomination process where businesses self-nominate or community nominates their favourites is the application phase, before finalists are announced and the winners are crowned at an awards night.

“The Federation University Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards enabled us to review our business, creating a platform that provoked thought, reflection and actions that are woven into our strategic directions,” Chris and Lindy Packer of the 2024 Business of the Year Chris Packer and Associates said.

“These awards profiled our business, our people, and our culture, as well as availing the opportunity to nominate other businesses within our community.

“In 2024 we were absolutely thrilled to win the Commerce Ballarat Professional Services Business Award but to be named the Business of the Year was beyond our wildest expectations and without doubt, the highlight of our business career.

“We congratulate and thank Federation University, Commerce Ballarat, sponsors, and all those who make these awards happen and encourage everyone to get behind these awards in 2025.”

Nominations close on Wednesday 2 April at 5pm. Visit commerceballarat.com.au for more information.